BioWare officially makes
its debut on the Wii U with Mass Effect 3! We are excited for the
opportunity to bring Commander Shepard to the new Nintendo Wii U
console. Mass Effect 3 will be coming as a launch title on the Wii U
and is expected Holiday 2012. Stay tuned for future ME3 on the Wii U
We began in February 2009 on youtube we created a video channel dedicated to Videogames reviews mods and a shed-load of other things. This and several other parts of the channel gained a steadfast community and rapid popularity. And so in May 2012 we started to expand the The Nexus from youtube to spread the experience beyond what was just a monotone machine with the addition of a User Community.
Friday, 29 June 2012
Cortana Gets Some Curves...
343 Industries,
Free To Play,
Mass Effect,
Mass Effect 3 Endings,
Quick level gain,
Skylanders Editor,
Skylanders Hacks,
Skylanders Mods,
Star Wars,
The Next Batman Game Will Be A Prequel To Arkham Asylum
Thursday, 28 June 2012
Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut DLC - Female Stargazer
343 Industries,
Free To Play,
Mass Effect,
Mass Effect 3 Endings,
Quick level gain,
Skylanders Editor,
Skylanders Hacks,
Skylanders Mods,
Star Wars,
The Next Batman Game Will Be A Prequel To Arkham Asylum
Half-Life 2: Episode 3
Half-Life 2: Episode 3 concept art has supposedly been leaked.
A gallery posted by Valve Time claims to contain concept images from the anticipated sequel.
Though the images were sent in by an anonymous source, it is believed
that they may be legitimate dating back to 2008. Because of their age,
it is possible that they do not indicate the current state of Half-Life
2: Episode 3 or Half-Life 3.
343 Industries,
Free To Play,
Mass Effect,
Mass Effect 3 Endings,
Quick level gain,
Skylanders Editor,
Skylanders Hacks,
Skylanders Mods,
Star Wars,
The Next Batman Game Will Be A Prequel To Arkham Asylum
Brand New Halo 4 Details–10 New Weapons, 50 Episodic Missions, Plus More
Listen up folks, it’s time to put on your Master Chief helmet (or at
least put that little one on your cat) and get excited, because a ton of
new Halo 4 information has been revealed via a quiz on Microsoft’s ExpertZone website, including details on season one of Spartan Ops. (Wicked)...
The slides confirm that Halo 4 will include 10 new weapons. Two of these were revealed at E3 earlier this month, The Light Rifle is a Forerunner weapon carried by Promethean Knights, and the Scattershot, also a Forerunner weapon, is used for close-range combat.
Two new vehicles are also being added to the game, however their identity is being kept a secret for now. Also mentioned is ”improved support to create, organize and track groups,” could this hint at clan support? The game will include 10 multiplayer maps at launch, and DLC is expected to add more.
Halo 4‘s DLC TV episode-style Spartan Ops mode will contain 50 missions per season, five missions every week for a total of 10 weeks. Each block of missions will be introduced by a high quality cinematic, according to the quiz, and season one will be completely free. ”How many games give you free DLC for 10 weeks?” it asks, before stating that the missions combined offer up to 12 hours of either single-player or co-op gameplay. ”It’s like getting two campaigns with one game!”
The slides confirm that Halo 4 will include 10 new weapons. Two of these were revealed at E3 earlier this month, The Light Rifle is a Forerunner weapon carried by Promethean Knights, and the Scattershot, also a Forerunner weapon, is used for close-range combat.
Two new vehicles are also being added to the game, however their identity is being kept a secret for now. Also mentioned is ”improved support to create, organize and track groups,” could this hint at clan support? The game will include 10 multiplayer maps at launch, and DLC is expected to add more.
Halo 4‘s DLC TV episode-style Spartan Ops mode will contain 50 missions per season, five missions every week for a total of 10 weeks. Each block of missions will be introduced by a high quality cinematic, according to the quiz, and season one will be completely free. ”How many games give you free DLC for 10 weeks?” it asks, before stating that the missions combined offer up to 12 hours of either single-player or co-op gameplay. ”It’s like getting two campaigns with one game!”
343 Industries,
Free To Play,
Mass Effect,
Mass Effect 3 Endings,
Quick level gain,
Skylanders Editor,
Skylanders Hacks,
Skylanders Mods,
Star Wars,
The Next Batman Game Will Be A Prequel To Arkham Asylum
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
New Mass Effect 3 DLC Could Revolve Around Rogue Reaper
Mass Effect 3 could get a new piece of downloadable content revolving around a Reaper named Leviathan, according to files extracted by a BioWare forum poster yesterday.
(Potential spoilers for potential Mass Effect 3 DLC follow.)
According to the files, which were extracted from yesterday's "Extended Cut" DLC and dumped on Pastebin,
you'll have to rescue a scientist from a colony that is under the
control of a Reaper named Leviathan. Leviathan has apparently broken
free from the rest of the Reapers to do his own thing.
One purported line reads: "So a Reaper goes rogue and kills one of its own. That's what we're looking at here, right?"
Another: "If Leviathan is a defector—a Reaper that broke away from the others—then it is also a traitor."
BioWare's comment from this morning: "We don't comment on rumors or speculation. There will be news about more DLC coming soon…"
343 Industries,
Free To Play,
Mass Effect,
Mass Effect 3 Endings,
Quick level gain,
Skylanders Editor,
Skylanders Hacks,
Skylanders Mods,
Star Wars
BioWare Teases Upcoming Mass Effect 3 DLC, ‘Leviathan’ Files Hidden in Extended Cut...
With the Extended Cut update for Mass Effect 3 (kinda sorta) done and dusted, BioWare has stated its intention to release “much more” add-on content for the RPG threequel.
Speaking on Twitter, series producer Mike Gamble said, “Would
now be a good time to talk about how we’re doing more DLC in the
future? That was a trick question. We’ll save the future DLC for future
chats. Don’t worry though. There’s much more.”
while Gamble was unwilling to reveal any details, script elements from
what looks like an add-on called Leviathan have been dredged up by fans searching through Extended Cut’s code. It’s pretty extensive too, revealing a whole bunch of in-game text and dialogue.
not going to detail any of it here, for the same reason we didn’t and
won’t discuss Extended Cut content: because it’s better for you to
discover it yourself. However, should you be intrigued you can find the whole file here.
The Extended Cut DLC for Mass Effect 3 launched on US PSN yesterday. It's coming to the EU PSN next week.
343 Industries,
Free To Play,
Mass Effect 3 Endings,
Quick level gain,
Skylanders Editor,
Skylanders Hacks,
Skylanders Mods,
Star Wars
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Confirmed for 2013
A few days ago we reported on a rumor in Shonen Jump Magazine which suggested that Namco Bandai was hard at work on a new Naruto Shippuden game.
Those rumors have proven true with the release of the issue, confirming that Namco Bandai is working on Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3. The game is set for a 2013 release in Japan.
Storm 3 will cover the story arch currently being told in both the manga and anime. It also sees the return of boss battles.
Aside from Naruto and his friends, characters which have been confirmed to appear in Storm 3 include Third Hokage, Minato (4th Hokage), Tobi/Madara, and Nine Tailed Fox.
The game will be released on both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. No word on when it'll see release stateside, but given the success of the previous titles, it won't be too long.
Those rumors have proven true with the release of the issue, confirming that Namco Bandai is working on Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3. The game is set for a 2013 release in Japan.
Storm 3 will cover the story arch currently being told in both the manga and anime. It also sees the return of boss battles.
Aside from Naruto and his friends, characters which have been confirmed to appear in Storm 3 include Third Hokage, Minato (4th Hokage), Tobi/Madara, and Nine Tailed Fox.
The game will be released on both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. No word on when it'll see release stateside, but given the success of the previous titles, it won't be too long.
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
Saints Row: The Third - Enter The Dominatrix
Enter The Dominatrix was originally going to be a DLC expansion pack for Saints Row: The Third, and it would have been one of the biggest DLC expansions we have seen on the console market. New weapons, new clothes, new missions, and more, it was to be the expansion to end all expansions.
In fact, Enter The Dominatrix ended up being too good to be an expansion. Jason Rubin, president of THQ, has decided that it deserves to be its own game.
“When I looked at the Enter The Dominatrix expansion in production at Volition, I was blown away by the ideas and desire to expand the fiction of the franchise,” said Rubin. “I asked the team what it could achieve given more time, more resources, and a broader scope for the project. We all agreed we wanted to play that game.”
Unfortunately, this means that we aren’t going to be getting the expansion pack we have all been waiting for, but it does mean that we are getting a brand new Saints Row game. The game is tentatively planned for a 2013 release and is tentatively titled “The Next Great Sequel.”
The "Free Skyrim - Dawnguard Beta Site" is Utter Garbage
The "Free Skyrim - Dawnguard Beta Site" is Utter Rubbish!!!
The clever and oh-so-directly named website seems to have popped up in the last 24 hours, and is a beacon of hope to the dim witted that they too can get their very own Beta for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim DLC, Dawnguard.Now, I'd like to think that most people, gamers especially, are too smart to fall for this thing. But obviously this is not the case, and some are just a few fries short of a happy meal. Such is evident that people are actually falling for this steaming hot pile of garbage.
Let's dissect it. Note the complete lack of ANY contact information for Bethesda. Also notice the spelling errors; gamers are "limtied" to one copy each.
After you "like" the page, and post the message "WOW! I just got my Skyrim Dawnguard Beta Key! So excited! Thanks" to your facebook wall, you'll be allowed to download your Ghost Recon beta. And no, that's not an error. You are now eligible for a beta of a Tom Clancy game that is in no way affiliated with Bethesda.
At the moment, the site lists over 300 likely illegitimate likes, and a Google search for the message does yield results, which only lessens my faith in some of you that much more.
At the similarly named "," it's best to act now, as they have only "1500 Beta Code only" for "Skyim."
"After Tool Opens" you can write down your Beta Code "when you are revived." The same user who uploaded the video has also put out a video offering a code for The Sims 3 Supernatural Expansion Pack, not due out until the fall.
As one of the most anticipated DLC's, it's not surprising to find someone trying to take advantage of the clammering masses. But it is surprising to see that people still fall for it in this day and age. To pound the story home, because apparently, some people just aren't getting it, the Dawnguard beta giveaway is now over. Those of you that didn't get it, I feel for you, but you'll just have to wait until it's available for download. Dawnguard will be avaialble for Xbox 360 June 26th, and should be released about a month later for PC and PS3.
Monday, 25 June 2012
Heads up...
For those who are unaware of the tactical cloak change, here is the link:
The multiplayer balance change for tactical cloak is coming Tuesday. And we all know how many people feel about it. There was a bunch of raging and anti-nerf crying last week when Sir Fagnan announced the elements to be affected. Regardless of how insignificant or noticeable the changes are, people will still explode come Tuesday. The forums will be cluttered with anger and disappointment.
Not to mention the Extended Cut coming out tomorrow as well, which may also spark fire for people.

In the possibility of a severe ragestorm, I advise all to be cautious when surfing the forums. The anger may attack you and drag you in. Wear flameshields and lightning rod hats for optimal protection.

The expected storm is forecasted to blow across the entire world. If possible, please stay indoors and away from your computers.
In any case, prepare a shotgun, a survival kit, a bed sheet tent, and your favorite stuffed animal, because the darkest times we have ever face may cause the world to burn in fire.
But for those who would rather watch the storm for entertainment, get some popcorn, nachos, and a root beer, and begin to laugh out loud.
The multiplayer balance change for tactical cloak is coming Tuesday. And we all know how many people feel about it. There was a bunch of raging and anti-nerf crying last week when Sir Fagnan announced the elements to be affected. Regardless of how insignificant or noticeable the changes are, people will still explode come Tuesday. The forums will be cluttered with anger and disappointment.
Not to mention the Extended Cut coming out tomorrow as well, which may also spark fire for people.
In the possibility of a severe ragestorm, I advise all to be cautious when surfing the forums. The anger may attack you and drag you in. Wear flameshields and lightning rod hats for optimal protection.
The expected storm is forecasted to blow across the entire world. If possible, please stay indoors and away from your computers.
In any case, prepare a shotgun, a survival kit, a bed sheet tent, and your favorite stuffed animal, because the darkest times we have ever face may cause the world to burn in fire.
But for those who would rather watch the storm for entertainment, get some popcorn, nachos, and a root beer, and begin to laugh out loud.
Resident Evil 6 Collector’s Edition announced For Europe!!!
Resident Evil 6 Collector’s Edition announced For Europe
Resident Evil 6 game
Zombie Steel Book
Exclusive Resident Evil 6 hardback artbook showing concept art from the game
Resident Evil 6 Avatar DLC code for 360 owners OR an RE6 Dynamic Theme for PS3 owners
Ivy University, Tall Oaks hooded sweatshirt (one size)
The RE6 forces emblems - High quality enamelled zinc alloy emblems of the three main protagonists squad insignias, mounted and set in a limited numbered frame authenticated with signatures from Senior producer Hiroyuki Kobayashi, Producer Yoshiaki Hirabayashi and RE6 Director Eiichiro Sasaki. A must have piece for any fan of Resident Evil!
All of the above amazing goodies are bundled together in the lenticular ‘Needle Bomb’ collectors box (as seen in the RE6 announce trailer)
Two MASSIVE pieces of DLC out tomorrow!!!

So we have Two MASSIVE pieces of DLC out tomorrow - Dawnguard for Skyrim [PEGI 18, BBFC 18] (1600 MSP) and the Extended Cut Expansion for Mass Effect 3 [PEGI 18, BBFC 18] (free). Anyone else feel a cold coming on?
Sunday, 24 June 2012
Mass Effect 3: PLUS13 Trainer...
Razor 1911 proudly presents
Mass Effect 3 Plus 13 Trainer
(C) Bioware
Release Date: 2012-03-10 Platform: WinXP/ WinVista /Win7
Release Size: Small Game Type: Action
Release Type: Trainer
Game notes
Not everyone will survive. An ancient alien race, known only as "Reapers",
has launched an all-out invasion leaving nothing but a trail of destruction
in their wake.
Earth has been taken, the galaxy is on the verge of total annihilation, and
you are the only one who can stop them. The price of failure is extinction.
You are Commander Shepard, a character that you can forge in your own image.
You determine how events will play out, which planets to explore, and whom
to form alliances with as you rally a force to eliminate the Reaper threat
once and for all. How you wage this war is completely up to you: go into
combat with guns blazing or use cover to plan a more tactical assault.
Utilize your squad to full effect or take a lone wolf approach. Rain death
from a distance or go toe-to-toe with enemies using devastating melee
attacks. Mass Effect 3 will react to each decision you make as you play
through a truly unique experience of your own creation.
General trainer information
Make sure to run the trainer as administrator.
Before you are able to use any of the shown options below. You need
to press F12 first to enable the trainer.
Hotkey Editor Information
This trainer presents an new feature you can acces by clicking the hotkeys
With the RazorDOX Hotkey Editor that pops up you can change the hotkeys
used by the trainer. Every trainer will be having pre defined hotkeys
which are listed in the Ingame hotkeys section below.
You can either choose to keep these hotkeys and simply play the game with
these pre defined hotkeys or you click the hotkeys button to change the
hotkeys used by the trainer. A small example on how to do this based
on one hotkey from the ingame hotkeys section below:
1 NUMPAD1 Toggle Infinite Health
Now in the hotkeys dialogbox you will see this hotkey as Opt.01.
Where Opt.01 points to the option count from the ingame hotkey
list below.
Now if you want to change the hotkey you simply click on the
editbox containing the hotkey and press your desired hotkey.
Now click on the save hotkeys button to save your user defined
hotkeys. Now start the game and enjoy!!.
Ingame hotkeys
# Hotkey Option
F12 Enable Trainer
1 NUMPAD1 Toggle Infinite Health
2 NUMPAD2 Toggle Super Speed
3 NUMPAD3 Save Position
4 NUMPAD4 Restore Position
5 NUMPAD5 Toggle Infinite Ammo
6 NUMPAD6 Add 10.000 Credits
7 NUMPAD7 Add 10.000 Medi-Gels
8 NUMPAD8 Toggle One Hit Kill
9 NUMPAD9 Toggle Rapid Fire
10 F1 Toggle Super Accuracy
11 F2 Toogle No-Recoil
12 F3 Toggle Disarm Ai
13 F4 Toggle Slow Motion Enemies
14 F5 Toggle Infinite Shield
Trainer notes
NUMPAD1 - Infinite Health
This option will give you an infinite amount of health.
NUMPAD2 - Super Speed
With this option enabled you will be running much faster. This makes it
much easier to travel.
NUMPAD3 - Save Position
Press this button to save your player coordinates. You can use this later
to restore them.
NUMPAD4 - Restore Position
Press this button to be teleported back to the place where you saved your
player coordinates.
NUMPAD5 - Infinite Ammo
This option will give you an infinite amount of ammo on all your weapons
NUMPAD6 - Add 10.000 Credits
When on a mission press this button to add 10.000 Credits to your current
amount of Credits.
NUMPAD7 - Add 10.000 Medi-Gels
When on a mission press this button to add 10.000 Medi-Gels to your current
amount of Medi-Gels.
NUMPAD8 - One Hit Kill
Press this button and when you move your mouse over a enemy, you can kill
that enemy with just one shot. Please note though that some enemies are
having a shield you have to kill first.
NUMPAD9 - Rapid Fire
Press this button and all your weapons will have an incredible fire rate. Your
pistols will shoot with the speed of a machine gun. It is very wise to use the
No-Recoil option aswell when having this option enabled.
F1 - Super Accuracy
Press this button and all your weapons will shoot much more accurate.
F2 - No-Recoil
This option will remove the nasty recoil affect from your weapons.
F3 - Disarm Ai
Press this button and when you move your mouse over a enemy you will notice
that the enemy will not be able to shoot at you anymore. When they already
started shooting you it looks like they are still shooting but no bullets
are bursting out their weapons.
F4 - Slow Motion Enemies
Press this button and when you move your mouse over an enemy you will see
that enemy walking in slooooowwmotion. You can easily run away and watch them
following in sloowwwmotion.
F5 - Infinite Shield
Press this button and you will get an infinite amount of shield powers.
Install Notes
1. Unpack the release with WinRAR or equivalent
2. Run the trainer from the desktop.
3. Start the game
4. Toggle desired Options on/off
Razor 1911 Greetings
To the competition.
Razor 1911 /__ Since 1985
What to expect from ‘Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut’
Ok so us Mass Effect fans have tirelessly
campaigned for a new ending to "Mass Effect 3," the third chapter in
BioWare's epic space-shooter trilogy. Although the company has denied
that there will be an alternate conclusion to the game, a new
downloadable content extension will dig deeper into the current
controversial ending.
One scenario in the ending that can be questioned is, why was Joker running from Earth? The folks over at Examiner got their hands on the "Extended Cut" and have revealed that one cut scene includes a command from Hacket. "All Fleets: The Crucible is armed. Disengage and head to the rendezvous point."
There will hopefully be some explanation as to how Hacket knows the Crucible is armed, when his last line says that the ship is not doing anything. Also, when Shephard is seen talking to the star child, it is clear that ships are engaging in battle, not disengaging.
There are portions of the Stargazer scene which also hint that the DLC will reveal a new story about Commander Shephard's legendary victory over the Reapers. There are two sentences in this scene, which say the following:
Child: "Tell me another story about the Shepard."
Stargazer: "It's getting late but, more story."
This indicates that there could be more to tell about Shephard's story, according to a user in a forum on After that exchange of words, the player gets a message that says the following:
"Commander Shephard has become a legend by ending the Reaper threat. Now you can continue to build that legend through further gameplay and downloadable content."
The prompt could be referring to the multiplayer DLCs that have previously launched that include actual gameplay. But, since it does say "gameplay and downloadable content," there could be a chance that the "Extended Cut" addition will address this.
The game also created two save files after this, one called LegendSave and another called NewGamePlusSave after the story is completed. So what is LegendSave for?
And of course, there is always the question of whether or not the Indoctrination Theory is true. This basically states that the ending of "Mass Effect 3" was actually occurring in Commander Shephard's head, as he was being "indoctrinated" by the Reapers. The Indoctrination Theory surfaced soon after the game was released and fans became disgruntled about the controversial ending. There is no true way to know if this idea is actually true, but it is up to players to decide for themselves if they choose to believe it.
Many players are probably wondering what happened to their crew at the end of the game. Examiner posted some photos of their hands-on experience with the DLC, and one image shows the crew standing in front of the Normandy's memorial wall, with placeholders for Kaidan Alenko and Ashley.
The list of speculations and theories can go on and on. One fan even created a full-length documentary dedicated to examining the holes and possibilities left open in the ending. From what we know, players can expect to learn:
- What happened to their crew
- An expansion on Commander Shepard as a legend
- An appearance from Kaidan Alenko and EDI
- Cut scenes involving Hacket issuing commands
- Some clarification on the Indoctrination Theory
Saturday, 23 June 2012
Friday, 22 June 2012
Dragon Age Legends Becomes a Downloadable Game
In Dragon Age Legends, a hero was born. Alliances were forged, sacrifices made, and monsters vanquished. The land was on the brink of disaster when you assembled the heroes and artifacts needed to destroy the Pride Demon — at great cost and personal loss.
While the online chapter of this story has come to a close, you and your stalwart companions still live on in a downloadable game. For you are among the truest heroes of Thedas: THE DRAGON AGE LEGENDS!
Continue your legend by playing the Dragon Age Legends downloadable game with FAQs and player support forums there for you as well.
OR the adventure can continue on with other BioWare Social titles, Age of Champions or Superhero City
As of 6/18/2012, Dragon Age Legends online social app is closed down.
We, at BioWare Social thank you all again for your passion, enthusiasm and support.
No matter where your adventure takes you, always…
Mass Effect 3 - Operation: Savage is LIVE!!!
Operation: Savage (June 22-24)
With so many planets conquered in Council space, we are relying on material support from the Terminus Systems. Eliminating risks to our supply line is a top priority.
Allied Goal: Eliminate 7,000,000 trooper-level enemies: Cerberus Assault Trooper, Husks, Cannibals, Geth Troopers
Squad Goal: Extraction on any difficulty with the squad using exclusively krogan, vorcha, or batarian classes
Special Circumstance: None
Squad Goal Success: Squad awarded a Commendation Pack
Allied Goal Success: All players awarded a Victory Pack
Operation Savage begins at 6pm PST Friday June 22 and ends at 4am PST Monday June 25.
Packs will be distributed Tuesday evening if the mission is successful.
With so many planets conquered in Council space, we are relying on material support from the Terminus Systems. Eliminating risks to our supply line is a top priority.
Allied Goal: Eliminate 7,000,000 trooper-level enemies: Cerberus Assault Trooper, Husks, Cannibals, Geth Troopers
Squad Goal: Extraction on any difficulty with the squad using exclusively krogan, vorcha, or batarian classes
Special Circumstance: None
Squad Goal Success: Squad awarded a Commendation Pack
Allied Goal Success: All players awarded a Victory Pack
Operation Savage begins at 6pm PST Friday June 22 and ends at 4am PST Monday June 25.
Packs will be distributed Tuesday evening if the mission is successful.
Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut
The Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut is a downloadable content pack that will
expand upon the events at the end of Mass Effect 3. Through additional
cinematic sequences and epilogue scenes, the Extended Cut will include
deeper insight to Commander Shepard’s journey based on player choices
during the war against the Reapers. The Extended Cut will be available
to download at no additional charge on June 26th on Xbox 360 and PC and
PlayStation 3.
Here is all you need to know...

Here is all you need to know...
How much is the Extended Cut?
- The Extended Cut is available to download at no additional charge.
When does the Extended Cut release?
- The Extended Cut will release on June 26th on Xbox 360, PC, and PlayStation 3 in North America and July 4th for PlayStation 3 in Europe.
How large is the Extended Cut?
- The Extended Cut requires roughly 1.9 gigabytes of storage.
How do I get the Extended Cut?
- The Extended Cut can be downloaded from Xbox LIVE, Origin on PC, and PlayStation Network at no additional cost.
What is included in the Extended Cut?
- The Extended Cut expands on the endings of Mass Effect 3 through additional scenes and epilogue sequences. It provides more of the answers and closure that players have been asking for. It gives a sense of what the future holds as a result of the decisions made throughout the series. And it shows greater detail in the successes or failures based on how players achieved their endings.
Does the Extended Cut change the endings?
- The Extended Cut is an expansion of the original endings to Mass Effect 3. It does not fundamentally change the endings, but rather it expands on the meaning of the original endings, and reveals greater detail on the impact of player decisions.
What save game should I load to play the Extended Cut?
- [SPOILERS] To experience the Extended Cut, load a save game from before the attack on the Cerberus Base and play through to the end of the game. The Extended Cut endings will differ depending on choices made throughout the Mass Effect series, so multiple playthroughs with a variety of different decisions will be required to experience the variety of possibilities offered by the new content.
Where can I learn more about the Extended Cut?
- To learn more about the Extended Cut, please enjoy the Extended Cut interview podcast with Community Manager Jessica Merizan, Executive Producer Casey Hudson, and Lead Writer Mac Walters.
Thursday, 21 June 2012
Planetside 2
of the MMOs on this list have wizards throwing orbs of stuff at other
wizards and smacking swords into shields. It's all very fantastical.
Planetside 2 opts for a more futuristic approach, giving players
high-powered machine guns and sending them into a massive, open,
persistent world to blow each other apart in.
Planetside 2 is essentially an evolution of the online shooter, paving the way for a new generation of games by merging a huge, fun shooter with an MMO unlike ever before (and yes, that includes the original Planetside). And, possibly most importantly, it's free to play, meaning anyone with a computer will be able to jump in for the enticing price of absolutely nothing.
Planetside 2 release date: Fall 2012
believes that it's the journey, not the destination, that makes an MMO.
The Carbine-developed, NCSoft-published game allows players to choose
their own "Path" at level creation, allowing gamers to pick the
archetype that fits them best. And no, we don't mean picking between a
mage, fighter, rogue, or cleric (though those will, indeed, be
included), we mean literally allowing you to decide what type of MMO you
want it to be.
Besides choosing a race and a class, you can opt to
be an Explorer, who can access otherwise impossible to find areas of the
map; a Soldier, who can trigger holdout events similar to Gears of
War's Horde mode; the Scientist, who researches the world; and the
Settler, who can help build objects. It's an ambitious idea, but it's
the kind of thing we like to see in our MMOs - unbridled creativity that
has the capability of moving the genre forward a few decades.

We can't wait.
WildStar release date: TBA
We can't wait.
WildStar release date: TBA
Star Wars Loses more players...
Star Wars: The Old Republic launched in December of last year, attracting 1.7 million paying subscribers by February. Last month Electronic Arts acknowledged that the game had lost 400,000 subscribers, falling to 1.3 million paying users.
The force is still strong with this one, check it out at their home page...
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
Halo 4 Demo Playable at Rooster Teeth's RTX Convention!!!
So the folks at Rooster Teeth have announced that Halo 4 will be playable to the open public for the first time ever at the upcoming RTX convention. RTX is set to take place on July 7 and 8 at the Austin, TX convention center. Participating players will have a chance to play with play competitively against the cast and crew of Rooster Teeth. Also be sure to check out their home page it kicks ass...
Xbox Live Rewards Program to Offer Microsoft Points for Achievements
Of all the stories floating around the internet today, this one is tailor made for us. From this Autumn, the Xbox Live Rewards program will offer up Microsoft Points based on your Achievements.
you read that right. While details of exactly how this will work have
yet to be announced, the news comes direct from the Xbox Live Rewards
Twitter account. "Coming Fall: a new way to earn Rewards based on your Achievements!,” said the tweet.
Live Rewards is a service that offers up MSP in return for carrying out
various tasks, like filling in questionnaires and renewing XBL
subscriptions. However, it has never rewarded users for their
Achievements before. You can find out more about Xbox Live Rewards here.
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
BF3 Demands Your Money...
So the Battlefield 3 Premium is now live on
both PSN and Xbox 360 for $50 or 4000 MS points but there’s a catch.
Premium on PC is not available at the time of writing (BOOOOO!!!)
Yeah so it seems DICE and“Battlefield 3 Premium includes expansion packs Back to Karkand, Close Quarters, Armored Kill, End Game, and Expansion Pack #5 [Aftermath]. If you buy Battlefield 3 Premium, these should be accessed through the in-game store and NOT DOWNLOADED FROM Xbox LIVE Marketplace or you will be charged twice. Xbox Live/PSN or you will charged twice. Take your Battlefield 3 experience to the next level with Battlefield 3 Premium! Containing a staggering amount of content, Battlefield 3 Premium gives you five themed expansion packs for Battlefield 3 with two weeks’ early access! You will also receive unique in-game items including a knife, new dog tags, exclusive soldier and weapon camos, and more. Premium members will also get access to features such as the ability to reset their stats, queue priority into servers, and new decals for their Platoon emblems.” reads the description* of the DLC plan."
Also, PS3 Premium users now are able to download Close Quarters. The second expansion pack weighs in at 1142MB on PS3.
- June 4th for PS3 Premium (We’re getting mixed feedback on whether it’s playable at the moment or not.)
- June 12th for Xbox 360 and PC Premium
- Week of June 18th: for PS3 Regular
- Week of June 25th: for PC and Xbox 360 Regular
New Premium assignments have also been listed, thanks to MP1st forums moderator Beanz3 for the list below:
Life Saver:
- 50 kills with the F2000
- 25 headshots with the F2000
- 50 Squad Heals
Bullet Provider:
- 50 kills with the PKP Pecheneg
- 50 Squad Resupplies
Location Scout:
- 50 kills with the L96
- 25 headshots with the L96
- 25 Spawns on your Radio Beacon
Wrench Weilder:
- 50 kills with Scar-H
- 25 headshots with Scar-H
- 25 kills with shotgun
Jack of all Trades:
- Get 30 kills with Assault Rifles
- Get 30 kills with Carbines
- Get 30 kills with Sniper Rifles
- Get 30 kills with Light Machine Guns
- Get 15 kills with Pistol
Monday, 18 June 2012
The Amazing Spider-Man (video game)
The Amazing Spider-Man, also known as The Amazing Spider-Man: The Game[1], is an upcoming video game (based on the film of the same name) being developed by Beenox, the same developers behind Shattered Dimensions and Edge of Time.
The game was set to be released on the same day the movie was released,
July 3, 2012, but, the developers of the game pushed the date up to
June 26, 2012. The game is set to be released on Xbox 360, PlayStation
3, Wii and PC.
The story takes place right where the movie, The Amazing Spider-Man, leaves off. Oscorp Industries is creating an army of robots
to maintain peace in Manhattan, killing all biological threats in the
area. However, one day, these robots go into a rampage and start
destroying innocents, to which New York's hero, Spider-Man, comes to the aid. Doing this, Spider-Man's alter ego will learn the truth of his past.
In the beginning of the game, Peter Parker's high school crush, Gwen Stacy, asks Peter to come visit her at her work. Gwen works a precious job as chief intern at Oscorp, which allows her access to some of the company's secure laboratories. Unfortunately, Gwen doesn't much enjoy these labs.
Oscorp inherited terabytes of data on cross-species genetics at the time of Dr. Curt Connors' meltdown. Oscorp hires roboticist Alistair Smythe to help sort through the messes of notes Connors left behind, but the task hasn't been easy. Gwen knows that Connors' research can be used to benefit society, but she doesn't think that's the deal; she thinks all Connors' work is being used for sinister practices. She wants Peter to help her find the truth.
As Peter and Gwen walk through the halls of the Oscorp building, they see a number of fully grown cross-species test subjects. These subjects can be mistakenly recognized as famous Spider-Man villains like Vermin, Rhino, and Scorpion. Peter leaves Gwen to spy deeper into the complex facility, many of the cross-species become physically agitated; they scream, holler, and bang their fists against glass cages. Peter realizes that they're reacting to the presence of another cross-species: Spider-Man.
With Peter realizing this, he quickly runs to the shadows and equips his alter ego's mask and outfit. By this time, the creatures have broken their glass cages and have started roaming the halls. Spider-Man must stop these test subjects, but eventually, everything breaks loose and Spider-Man figures out that the creatures have broken out of the building. He sees one cross-species in particular scurrying through one of the city's parks that catches his eye, and heads for it. However, while traveling the areas of Manhattan, Spidey comes across a massive robot that drills from the ground and overshadows the park with a 10-story frame.
This robot is a Spider-Slayer; however, it wasn't technically designed to kill Spider-Man. Its purpose is to eliminate all remaining cross-species from Dr. Connors' lab and any that have broken out. The Slayer, designated S-01, aims for Spider-Man, knowing that he, too, is a cross-species: the cross of a man and a spider. The S-01 shoots rockets, fires missles, and attacks with anything it can to kill the masked hero. All in all, the robot destroys racks up several million dollars' worth of property damage in its attempt to kill Spider-Man.
After smashing some of the robot's sensors so it can't track Spider-Man, the player must tie up its legs with web pellets, hitting the few vents attached to the Slayer's legs. The S-01 uses its last barrage of homing missles in a final attempt to defeat Spidey, but Spider-Man jumps out of the way and dives for the robot's mouth and, at this point, the player must tap the attack button fast in order to pry open its jaws. When it's opened, Spider-Man ditches the robot and the wave of homing missles flies into the mouth of the massive Spider-Slayer, defeating it.
Metal debris shows down as Spider-Man lands on the grass on the other end of the park. Smythe finds out about his robot's defeat, and sets out to get revenge on Spider-Man for costing him almost a billion dollars from the robot attack. Spider-Man knows that this will not be the last killer robot he meets because, as the unit's designation implies, it was only the first in a long line of Spider-Slayers.
The game is going to return the Spider-Man series to an open-world format, and in doing so will include side missions[2].
There will be all-new very varied combat systems, using Spider-Man's
webs and wall-crawling abilities to aid his fights; plus, a new
web-swinging system will be included. Beenox founder and CEO, Dee Brown,
says that they've been in full development for this game since Spider-Man: Edge of Time was being worked on.
Feeling Like the Hero
Beenox's goal for this game, when starting its development, was to make the player feel like they are
Spider-Man. They first dealt with the camera. The game's camera is much
more closer to Spider-Man than previous games, giving players the feel
that, sometimes, they are actually looking over Spider-Man's shoulder as
he crawls and swings around town. Because of this, Spider-Man will seem
a lot bigger than previous games, also, instead of having to control a
tiny hero swinging around New York. Beenox wanted to make the player
feel like they are the ones swinging around the city, when, virtually, Spider-Man is.
Beenox has been sure to create many optional content to explore while swinging around Manhattan.
Web Rush
Web Rush is a feature never before seen in the Spider-Man
series of games. It gives players a huge amount of control of
Spider-Man, making them "feel like they are Spider-Man". They will be
able to perform incredible acrobatic stunts and even let Spider-Man
change direction in mid-air, depending on where the player wants him to
Web Rush can be activated at any time in the game with one push and/or hold of a button. When activated, time slows drastically, the player will be presented with many different situational and combat choices for Spider-Man, and the game's screen goes to first person mode. There will, then, be many different yellow silhouettes of Spidey that give the player options of what they can do. When the button is released, the game's mechanics will calculate the path and generate a sequence of parkour-style animations in getting the player where they chose to go. Even while in the same sequence, at anytime, Web Rush can be reactivated. The player can even swing in the middle of one of this feature's sequences and allow Spider-Man to make a 180 twist/flip animation. This is very helpful and entertaining during fight scenes. As one gets more familiar with the Web Rush feature, they will be able to complete a whole sequence with just the tap of the feature's button without having to hold it down. Holding down the button gives players a longer chance to make Spider-Man do what they want. Alternatively, there is an experienced Web Rush mode where, when activated, the player does not go into first person mode and time does not slow.
If, at any time, the fighting gets too intense or difficult, the player can make Spider-Man basically activate Web Rush in reverse and allow him to retreat to a safe zone.
Real-World Similarities
Coming all the way back from Web of Shadows,
the game will feature a free-roaming system that lets Spider-Man
willingly roam around New York where and when the player wants. Beenox
has said that an enormous amount of detail was put into creating the
city, mainly Manhattan, where most of the game's story takes place.
Standing atop a tall building with Spider-Man will let the player see
just how big the game's playground is. One of the developers of Beenox
teased that the free-roaming feature of the game is "amazing, pun
intended". Beenox also said that they're "bringing you the best-looking
Manhattan that has ever been seen in a Spider-Man game."
Also, along with free-roam, 'random situations' are coming back; there will be some crimes in the city that the player can make Spider-Man jump into if they so please. These situations include helping the police, car chases where Spider-Man jumps on top of the car, and burglaries. With all this, the player won't feel so forced to complete the main storyline; however, they will still need to complete main missions to progress further in the game.
Aside from the main and mini-missions, Peter Parker will get his camera back and have photographic missions to complete. Parker also has an apartment in New York where he can go there and do random things. There will also feature an in-game map, like some previous games, telling the player where important things are.
With all this, however, the whole game will not take place outdoors in Manhattan. There will be some indoor levels and fight scenes; like the recently leaked level taking place at a secret Oscorp facility. Dr. Connors' work and research materials are located there, and, for an "undisclosed reason", Spider-Man needs to retrieve them. To compensate for the change in enviornment, web-swinging indoors will be slightly different than doing it outdoors, although Web Rush will still and always be available.
There will even be a fake Twitter feed that Peter can look at to find out what the people of Manhattan are saying about his performance as Spider-Man.Along with this, when Spider-Man swings around the city and low enough for the people of Manhattan to see him, they will yell out things like, "Spider-Man!" or "That is so cool." Beenox said that "The crowd reacts to your presence. Some will take pictures of you. Some will ask for your autograph. Others will yell at you for things that happen later in the story."
Day and night will be a part of the story; it will interchange with each other eventually, and, in some cases, night and day comes early. For example, if Peter has a fight with Gwen, the sky and lights will dim more to set the mood of Peter's emotions.
Character Models
All of the characters' models in the game were created with great
detail in each aspect of them; Spider-Man will be wearing the same suit
he does in the new movie. Although, rarely seen before, the suit will
get damaged over time in the game. Players will get to see Peter's flesh
being cut, bleeding, and scarred if they take the beating. The suit
will also not magically heal over time, like previous games.
The mechanical web shooters make a return in the new game, as opposed
to previous ones where Spider-Man's webbing appear out of his wrists.
Players will have a chance to upgrade Spidey's web shooters; at first,
Spider-Man will only be able to thwip web balls at enemies, but, later
on in the game, the shooters will be upgraded to have the ability to tie
up enemies in web, stick them to walls, etc.
A new feature in this game will have Spider-Man reloading his webs. On Spider-Man's belt, there are small web cartridges Spider-Man can use to reload his shooters. There will be a small animation showing the player when they should reload. At first, Beenox wanted the extra web cartridges to be lying around in the enviornment for Spider-Man to pick them up; however, as of recent decisions from Beenox, Spider-Man will now be carrying the cartridges on his belt and not have to find them, because "that would just not make sense, it would pull players out of the game".
Beenox has taken note of fan-favorite parts from previous Spider-Man games, like the Noir parts from Shattered Dimensions; a stealth feature will also be included in the game, if the player chooses to use it. When entering a room full of enemies Spider-Man will have the chance to jump in and ambush all of them, or take them out silently, one by one, much like the fighting style of the game Batman: Arkham Asylum and City. There will also be a variety of stealthy moves and animations. However, stealth moves aren't the only thing taken from the Arkham game series; many of Spider-Man's basic combat moves cue from Batman's fighting style. GameInformer has said that "While Spidey's combat feels slightly faster and he bounces around the screen with more acrobatic flair than the Dark Knight, the nuts and bolts of the combat function similarly."
For fighting with Spider-Man, the player has one major attack button and one counter-attack button that must be hit in time with a Spider Scene icon that appears over the hero's head. As players build up larger combos, they can activate special attack options that allow them to take out multiple enemies with the press of a button.
While Web Rush is a very helpful feature of the game, Spider-Man can alternatively use old-fashioned punches and kicks.
Web Combat
Along with Web Rush and Spider-Man's many punches and kick combos,
the hero is very known for also fighting with his trademark web.
One feature that helps distinguish combat is Spider-Man's web zip maneuver. Any time the action becomes too difficult or overwhelming, a single button allows Spider-Man to quickly zip out of battle (or, if need be, into it) to find a hiding spot along the ceiling or walls. During large battle sequences, this feature can be very useful.
It is revealed that Spider-Man will be able to use his classic yo-yo trick, where he hangs upside down from his web.
Players have two sets of upgrade trees to explore. Experience earned
in battle can be used to unlock new combos, more powerful special
attacks, or stealth moves. One stealth move in particular allows
Spider-Man to zip from the ceiling to an enemy below and stick them in a
web cacoon.
There are tech pieces called web-tech upgrades scattered throughout levels in the game that can be used to upgrade Spider-Man's equipment. Web-tech upgrades unlock moves like the "web blast", a large ball of impact webbing that pins enemies agains the wall.
Rhino makes an appearance as a playable character in the game, but only in a mini-game situation known as the "Rhino Challenge".
Stan Lee
The co-creator of Spider-Man himself and former president of Marvel Entertainment, Stan Lee makes his first appearance as a playable character. He will appear in a pre-order bonus from Amazon.
Rhino Challenge
Famous Spidey villain Rhino is a playable character in The Amazing Spider-Man.
His role as a playable character is to wreak havoc around the streets
of New York with combos and score multipliers. The player will have a
multitude of options to break while playing as the monster, but for a
limited time only. This bonus is only included with the pre-order of the
game at GameStop.
Stan Lee
The players can finally harness the power of former Marvel president
Stan Lee as he makes an appearance in the game as a playable character.
His special objective in the game will be to swing around Manhattan
(borrowing Spider-Man's abilities) and collect pages he's lost of his
latest script in a race around New York. The comical co-creator of
Spidey will be, as usual, will be ranting on about "kids these days" and
other witty banter the fans have come to know and love. Beenox has
revealed that, at the end of the timed mission, the player will recieve a
special in-game "surprise" as a present for Spider-Man's 50th anniversary.
When asked about his personal mission, Stan Lee says that he's "afraid when they see [him] do it, that may put Spider-Man in the shadows." This reveals that Lee is not sure if he entirely wants to be animated into a video game, as the fans may picture him as Spider-Man. He goes on, "I hope they (Beenox) don't have me looking too realistic and life-life. That would be tough for the Spider-Man fans. I swung through the city like an average guy would do, instead of giving it my usual derring-do.”
This bonus is only included with the pre-order of the game at Amazon and is exclusive only to Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
The story takes place right where the movie, The Amazing Spider-Man, leaves off. Oscorp Industries is creating an army of robots
to maintain peace in Manhattan, killing all biological threats in the
area. However, one day, these robots go into a rampage and start
destroying innocents, to which New York's hero, Spider-Man, comes to the aid. Doing this, Spider-Man's alter ego will learn the truth of his past.In the beginning of the game, Peter Parker's high school crush, Gwen Stacy, asks Peter to come visit her at her work. Gwen works a precious job as chief intern at Oscorp, which allows her access to some of the company's secure laboratories. Unfortunately, Gwen doesn't much enjoy these labs.
Oscorp inherited terabytes of data on cross-species genetics at the time of Dr. Curt Connors' meltdown. Oscorp hires roboticist Alistair Smythe to help sort through the messes of notes Connors left behind, but the task hasn't been easy. Gwen knows that Connors' research can be used to benefit society, but she doesn't think that's the deal; she thinks all Connors' work is being used for sinister practices. She wants Peter to help her find the truth.
As Peter and Gwen walk through the halls of the Oscorp building, they see a number of fully grown cross-species test subjects. These subjects can be mistakenly recognized as famous Spider-Man villains like Vermin, Rhino, and Scorpion. Peter leaves Gwen to spy deeper into the complex facility, many of the cross-species become physically agitated; they scream, holler, and bang their fists against glass cages. Peter realizes that they're reacting to the presence of another cross-species: Spider-Man.
With Peter realizing this, he quickly runs to the shadows and equips his alter ego's mask and outfit. By this time, the creatures have broken their glass cages and have started roaming the halls. Spider-Man must stop these test subjects, but eventually, everything breaks loose and Spider-Man figures out that the creatures have broken out of the building. He sees one cross-species in particular scurrying through one of the city's parks that catches his eye, and heads for it. However, while traveling the areas of Manhattan, Spidey comes across a massive robot that drills from the ground and overshadows the park with a 10-story frame.
This robot is a Spider-Slayer; however, it wasn't technically designed to kill Spider-Man. Its purpose is to eliminate all remaining cross-species from Dr. Connors' lab and any that have broken out. The Slayer, designated S-01, aims for Spider-Man, knowing that he, too, is a cross-species: the cross of a man and a spider. The S-01 shoots rockets, fires missles, and attacks with anything it can to kill the masked hero. All in all, the robot destroys racks up several million dollars' worth of property damage in its attempt to kill Spider-Man.
After smashing some of the robot's sensors so it can't track Spider-Man, the player must tie up its legs with web pellets, hitting the few vents attached to the Slayer's legs. The S-01 uses its last barrage of homing missles in a final attempt to defeat Spidey, but Spider-Man jumps out of the way and dives for the robot's mouth and, at this point, the player must tap the attack button fast in order to pry open its jaws. When it's opened, Spider-Man ditches the robot and the wave of homing missles flies into the mouth of the massive Spider-Slayer, defeating it.
Metal debris shows down as Spider-Man lands on the grass on the other end of the park. Smythe finds out about his robot's defeat, and sets out to get revenge on Spider-Man for costing him almost a billion dollars from the robot attack. Spider-Man knows that this will not be the last killer robot he meets because, as the unit's designation implies, it was only the first in a long line of Spider-Slayers.
The game is going to return the Spider-Man series to an open-world format, and in doing so will include side missions[2].
There will be all-new very varied combat systems, using Spider-Man's
webs and wall-crawling abilities to aid his fights; plus, a new
web-swinging system will be included. Beenox founder and CEO, Dee Brown,
says that they've been in full development for this game since Spider-Man: Edge of Time was being worked on.
Feeling Like the Hero
Beenox's goal for this game, when starting its development, was to make the player feel like they are
Spider-Man. They first dealt with the camera. The game's camera is much
more closer to Spider-Man than previous games, giving players the feel
that, sometimes, they are actually looking over Spider-Man's shoulder as
he crawls and swings around town. Because of this, Spider-Man will seem
a lot bigger than previous games, also, instead of having to control a
tiny hero swinging around New York. Beenox wanted to make the player
feel like they are the ones swinging around the city, when, virtually, Spider-Man is.
Beenox has been sure to create many optional content to explore while swinging around Manhattan.
Web Rush
Web Rush is a feature never before seen in the Spider-Man
series of games. It gives players a huge amount of control of
Spider-Man, making them "feel like they are Spider-Man". They will be
able to perform incredible acrobatic stunts and even let Spider-Man
change direction in mid-air, depending on where the player wants him to
go.Web Rush can be activated at any time in the game with one push and/or hold of a button. When activated, time slows drastically, the player will be presented with many different situational and combat choices for Spider-Man, and the game's screen goes to first person mode. There will, then, be many different yellow silhouettes of Spidey that give the player options of what they can do. When the button is released, the game's mechanics will calculate the path and generate a sequence of parkour-style animations in getting the player where they chose to go. Even while in the same sequence, at anytime, Web Rush can be reactivated. The player can even swing in the middle of one of this feature's sequences and allow Spider-Man to make a 180 twist/flip animation. This is very helpful and entertaining during fight scenes. As one gets more familiar with the Web Rush feature, they will be able to complete a whole sequence with just the tap of the feature's button without having to hold it down. Holding down the button gives players a longer chance to make Spider-Man do what they want. Alternatively, there is an experienced Web Rush mode where, when activated, the player does not go into first person mode and time does not slow.
If, at any time, the fighting gets too intense or difficult, the player can make Spider-Man basically activate Web Rush in reverse and allow him to retreat to a safe zone.
Real-World Similarities
Coming all the way back from Web of Shadows,
the game will feature a free-roaming system that lets Spider-Man
willingly roam around New York where and when the player wants. Beenox
has said that an enormous amount of detail was put into creating the
city, mainly Manhattan, where most of the game's story takes place.
Standing atop a tall building with Spider-Man will let the player see
just how big the game's playground is. One of the developers of Beenox
teased that the free-roaming feature of the game is "amazing, pun
intended". Beenox also said that they're "bringing you the best-looking
Manhattan that has ever been seen in a Spider-Man game."Also, along with free-roam, 'random situations' are coming back; there will be some crimes in the city that the player can make Spider-Man jump into if they so please. These situations include helping the police, car chases where Spider-Man jumps on top of the car, and burglaries. With all this, the player won't feel so forced to complete the main storyline; however, they will still need to complete main missions to progress further in the game.
Aside from the main and mini-missions, Peter Parker will get his camera back and have photographic missions to complete. Parker also has an apartment in New York where he can go there and do random things. There will also feature an in-game map, like some previous games, telling the player where important things are.
With all this, however, the whole game will not take place outdoors in Manhattan. There will be some indoor levels and fight scenes; like the recently leaked level taking place at a secret Oscorp facility. Dr. Connors' work and research materials are located there, and, for an "undisclosed reason", Spider-Man needs to retrieve them. To compensate for the change in enviornment, web-swinging indoors will be slightly different than doing it outdoors, although Web Rush will still and always be available.
There will even be a fake Twitter feed that Peter can look at to find out what the people of Manhattan are saying about his performance as Spider-Man.Along with this, when Spider-Man swings around the city and low enough for the people of Manhattan to see him, they will yell out things like, "Spider-Man!" or "That is so cool." Beenox said that "The crowd reacts to your presence. Some will take pictures of you. Some will ask for your autograph. Others will yell at you for things that happen later in the story."
Day and night will be a part of the story; it will interchange with each other eventually, and, in some cases, night and day comes early. For example, if Peter has a fight with Gwen, the sky and lights will dim more to set the mood of Peter's emotions.
Character Models
All of the characters' models in the game were created with great
detail in each aspect of them; Spider-Man will be wearing the same suit
he does in the new movie. Although, rarely seen before, the suit will
get damaged over time in the game. Players will get to see Peter's flesh
being cut, bleeding, and scarred if they take the beating. The suit
will also not magically heal over time, like previous games.
The mechanical web shooters make a return in the new game, as opposed
to previous ones where Spider-Man's webbing appear out of his wrists.
Players will have a chance to upgrade Spidey's web shooters; at first,
Spider-Man will only be able to thwip web balls at enemies, but, later
on in the game, the shooters will be upgraded to have the ability to tie
up enemies in web, stick them to walls, etc.
A new feature in this game will have Spider-Man reloading his webs. On Spider-Man's belt, there are small web cartridges Spider-Man can use to reload his shooters. There will be a small animation showing the player when they should reload. At first, Beenox wanted the extra web cartridges to be lying around in the enviornment for Spider-Man to pick them up; however, as of recent decisions from Beenox, Spider-Man will now be carrying the cartridges on his belt and not have to find them, because "that would just not make sense, it would pull players out of the game".
Beenox has taken note of fan-favorite parts from previous Spider-Man games, like the Noir parts from Shattered Dimensions; a stealth feature will also be included in the game, if the player chooses to use it. When entering a room full of enemies Spider-Man will have the chance to jump in and ambush all of them, or take them out silently, one by one, much like the fighting style of the game Batman: Arkham Asylum and City. There will also be a variety of stealthy moves and animations. However, stealth moves aren't the only thing taken from the Arkham game series; many of Spider-Man's basic combat moves cue from Batman's fighting style. GameInformer has said that "While Spidey's combat feels slightly faster and he bounces around the screen with more acrobatic flair than the Dark Knight, the nuts and bolts of the combat function similarly."
For fighting with Spider-Man, the player has one major attack button and one counter-attack button that must be hit in time with a Spider Scene icon that appears over the hero's head. As players build up larger combos, they can activate special attack options that allow them to take out multiple enemies with the press of a button.
While Web Rush is a very helpful feature of the game, Spider-Man can alternatively use old-fashioned punches and kicks.
Web Combat
Along with Web Rush and Spider-Man's many punches and kick combos,
the hero is very known for also fighting with his trademark web.One feature that helps distinguish combat is Spider-Man's web zip maneuver. Any time the action becomes too difficult or overwhelming, a single button allows Spider-Man to quickly zip out of battle (or, if need be, into it) to find a hiding spot along the ceiling or walls. During large battle sequences, this feature can be very useful.
It is revealed that Spider-Man will be able to use his classic yo-yo trick, where he hangs upside down from his web.
Players have two sets of upgrade trees to explore. Experience earned
in battle can be used to unlock new combos, more powerful special
attacks, or stealth moves. One stealth move in particular allows
Spider-Man to zip from the ceiling to an enemy below and stick them in a
web cacoon.There are tech pieces called web-tech upgrades scattered throughout levels in the game that can be used to upgrade Spider-Man's equipment. Web-tech upgrades unlock moves like the "web blast", a large ball of impact webbing that pins enemies agains the wall.
Rhino makes an appearance as a playable character in the game, but only in a mini-game situation known as the "Rhino Challenge".
Stan Lee
The co-creator of Spider-Man himself and former president of Marvel Entertainment, Stan Lee makes his first appearance as a playable character. He will appear in a pre-order bonus from Amazon.
Pre-Order Bonuses...
Rhino Challenge
Famous Spidey villain Rhino is a playable character in The Amazing Spider-Man.
His role as a playable character is to wreak havoc around the streets
of New York with combos and score multipliers. The player will have a
multitude of options to break while playing as the monster, but for a
limited time only. This bonus is only included with the pre-order of the
game at GameStop.
Stan Lee
The players can finally harness the power of former Marvel president
Stan Lee as he makes an appearance in the game as a playable character.
His special objective in the game will be to swing around Manhattan
(borrowing Spider-Man's abilities) and collect pages he's lost of his
latest script in a race around New York. The comical co-creator of
Spidey will be, as usual, will be ranting on about "kids these days" and
other witty banter the fans have come to know and love. Beenox has
revealed that, at the end of the timed mission, the player will recieve a
special in-game "surprise" as a present for Spider-Man's 50th anniversary.When asked about his personal mission, Stan Lee says that he's "afraid when they see [him] do it, that may put Spider-Man in the shadows." This reveals that Lee is not sure if he entirely wants to be animated into a video game, as the fans may picture him as Spider-Man. He goes on, "I hope they (Beenox) don't have me looking too realistic and life-life. That would be tough for the Spider-Man fans. I swung through the city like an average guy would do, instead of giving it my usual derring-do.”
This bonus is only included with the pre-order of the game at Amazon and is exclusive only to Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
Dragon Age III
Dragon Age III, currently in development by BioWare,[2] is an upcoming sequel to Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age II[2][3] It was first (informally) announced on Twitter,[3] the evening of May 19, 2011, by BioWare's Creative Lead Alistair McNally.[3]
On March 19, 2012, nearly two weeks after BioWare released its latest game Mass Effect 3, Creative Director Mike Laidlaw tweeted that they are finished working on content for Dragon Age II. Executive Producer Mark Darrah mentioned that BioWare originally had plans for a expansion pack, titled "Exalted March", to mark the first anniversary of Dragon Age II but cancelled it for other opportunities for the series. Although Dragon Age III has not been officially announced, Darrah asked fans to give feedback on what they would like to see in future Dragon Age installments.[4]
Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter said that Dragon Age III is expected to be released some time in 2014. The title was initially believed to be released around winter 2013, but was delayed so BioWare and video game publisher Electronic Arts can fix problems and create new content for Star Wars: The Old Republic and Mass Effect 3.
On March 19, 2012, nearly two weeks after BioWare released its latest game Mass Effect 3, Creative Director Mike Laidlaw tweeted that they are finished working on content for Dragon Age II. Executive Producer Mark Darrah mentioned that BioWare originally had plans for a expansion pack, titled "Exalted March", to mark the first anniversary of Dragon Age II but cancelled it for other opportunities for the series. Although Dragon Age III has not been officially announced, Darrah asked fans to give feedback on what they would like to see in future Dragon Age installments.[4]
Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter said that Dragon Age III is expected to be released some time in 2014. The title was initially believed to be released around winter 2013, but was delayed so BioWare and video game publisher Electronic Arts can fix problems and create new content for Star Wars: The Old Republic and Mass Effect 3.
Rocksteady ito Ditch the Dark Knight?
So.. the acclaimed studio Rocksteady Games managed to snag some more awards for Best Action and Best Performance (Mark Hamill as The Joker you know Luke Sky-walker from Star Wars) for Arkham City at the 2012 Video Game BAFTAs last Friday. Futhermore, Arkham City director, Sefton Hill, shared his thoughts and the future of the company during an interview with IGN. Surprisingly by the tone of Hill’s comments it seems that their next game will depart from the Batman universe. Here’s what he had to say in regards to what’s next for the company:
As to whether they will return to the bat crusader:
You can check out the full video interview right here!!!
“It’s great to be in such a position that we can kind of choose what we want to do next. We’ve started work on it, and it’s something pretty exciting. That’s one thing we can definitely say. We’re really excited about it.”
As to whether they will return to the bat crusader:
“If you know one thing about Rocksteady, we have a few surprises. So you’ll have to stay tuned.”
You can check out the full video interview right here!!!
Sunday, 17 June 2012
It's Father's Day: Time to Visit Calendar Man in Batman: Arkham City!!!
For those of you looking to legitimately pass the "Storyteller"
achievement or trophy in Batman: Arkham City, we're coming up
on Father's Day, here on June 17th. Storyteller requires you to
visit Calendar Man in the bottom of the courthouse on each individual
holiday requested by Julian Day, aka Calendar Man...
Star Wars: The Old Republic to Go Free-to-Play?
Star Wars... two words that can can strike fear into any hardened nerds soul. Ether it be Lucas or a game developer screwing them over again, but there Might be a light at the end of the tunnel for some, a FTP epic Star WarS GAME done by the epic developers only known as BIOWARE...
BioWare is looking into making Star Wars: The Old Republic free-to-play, according to an interview with Lead Designer Emmanual Lusinchi.
The Old Republic lost over 400,000 subscribers earlier this year, and the player base is continuing to drop at a steady pace. The players weren’t the only Star Wars fans stuck with short end of the saber as layoffs hit several members of the development team just last month. With World of Warcraft’s fourth expansion, Mists of Pandaria, right around the corner and a market flooded with quality free-to-play MMOs, it was only a matter of time before The Old Republic met its fate.
For a game that was often dubbed “the world’s most expensive MMO,” you’d figure BioWare and EA would have put in a little more effort to see their baby grow into the MMO Star Wars fans have always wanted.
In an interview with GamesTM magazine, which as since been pulled offline, Lusinchi talks about the challenges The Old Republic will have to consider and overcome if it’s to survive as a free-to-play title.
BioWare is looking into making Star Wars: The Old Republic free-to-play, according to an interview with Lead Designer Emmanual Lusinchi.
The Old Republic lost over 400,000 subscribers earlier this year, and the player base is continuing to drop at a steady pace. The players weren’t the only Star Wars fans stuck with short end of the saber as layoffs hit several members of the development team just last month. With World of Warcraft’s fourth expansion, Mists of Pandaria, right around the corner and a market flooded with quality free-to-play MMOs, it was only a matter of time before The Old Republic met its fate.
For a game that was often dubbed “the world’s most expensive MMO,” you’d figure BioWare and EA would have put in a little more effort to see their baby grow into the MMO Star Wars fans have always wanted.
In an interview with GamesTM magazine, which as since been pulled offline, Lusinchi talks about the challenges The Old Republic will have to consider and overcome if it’s to survive as a free-to-play title.
“If it was just free-to-play games and they weren’t very good it wouldn’t even be a question, but there are definitely good games out there and good games coming out, so of course all of this competition impacts your plan with what you want to do. We are looking at free-to-play, but I can’t tell you in much detail. We have to be flexible and adapt to what is going on.”If you mess up as early in the game as BioWare did with The Old Republic, you are only left with one of two options: let your game continue to fizzle out and then take servers offline, or go free-to-play. While I despise the free-to-play model for various reasons, going free-to-play will breathe new life into The Old Republic. That’s something I feel we all can agree it’s in desperate need of.
Saturday, 16 June 2012
kingdoms amalur reckoning gamesave editor
Here is the link...
Gears of War 3: Second Demon Chicken (Cove)
The Cove map in GOW3 has it's own Demon Chicken. But you have to find it in a slightly different way then the one in the campaign. Start up a Beast Mode Game, and destroy 12 Chickens, once done a huge Freaky Rabbit Face will appear - shoot it's eyes, and a egg will drop down. Shoot the egg and every bodies favorite Demon Chicken will Return...
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