The story takes place right where the movie, The Amazing Spider-Man, leaves off. Oscorp Industries is creating an army of robots
to maintain peace in Manhattan, killing all biological threats in the
area. However, one day, these robots go into a rampage and start
destroying innocents, to which New York's hero, Spider-Man, comes to the aid. Doing this, Spider-Man's alter ego will learn the truth of his past.In the beginning of the game, Peter Parker's high school crush, Gwen Stacy, asks Peter to come visit her at her work. Gwen works a precious job as chief intern at Oscorp, which allows her access to some of the company's secure laboratories. Unfortunately, Gwen doesn't much enjoy these labs.
Oscorp inherited terabytes of data on cross-species genetics at the time of Dr. Curt Connors' meltdown. Oscorp hires roboticist Alistair Smythe to help sort through the messes of notes Connors left behind, but the task hasn't been easy. Gwen knows that Connors' research can be used to benefit society, but she doesn't think that's the deal; she thinks all Connors' work is being used for sinister practices. She wants Peter to help her find the truth.
As Peter and Gwen walk through the halls of the Oscorp building, they see a number of fully grown cross-species test subjects. These subjects can be mistakenly recognized as famous Spider-Man villains like Vermin, Rhino, and Scorpion. Peter leaves Gwen to spy deeper into the complex facility, many of the cross-species become physically agitated; they scream, holler, and bang their fists against glass cages. Peter realizes that they're reacting to the presence of another cross-species: Spider-Man.
With Peter realizing this, he quickly runs to the shadows and equips his alter ego's mask and outfit. By this time, the creatures have broken their glass cages and have started roaming the halls. Spider-Man must stop these test subjects, but eventually, everything breaks loose and Spider-Man figures out that the creatures have broken out of the building. He sees one cross-species in particular scurrying through one of the city's parks that catches his eye, and heads for it. However, while traveling the areas of Manhattan, Spidey comes across a massive robot that drills from the ground and overshadows the park with a 10-story frame.
This robot is a Spider-Slayer; however, it wasn't technically designed to kill Spider-Man. Its purpose is to eliminate all remaining cross-species from Dr. Connors' lab and any that have broken out. The Slayer, designated S-01, aims for Spider-Man, knowing that he, too, is a cross-species: the cross of a man and a spider. The S-01 shoots rockets, fires missles, and attacks with anything it can to kill the masked hero. All in all, the robot destroys racks up several million dollars' worth of property damage in its attempt to kill Spider-Man.
After smashing some of the robot's sensors so it can't track Spider-Man, the player must tie up its legs with web pellets, hitting the few vents attached to the Slayer's legs. The S-01 uses its last barrage of homing missles in a final attempt to defeat Spidey, but Spider-Man jumps out of the way and dives for the robot's mouth and, at this point, the player must tap the attack button fast in order to pry open its jaws. When it's opened, Spider-Man ditches the robot and the wave of homing missles flies into the mouth of the massive Spider-Slayer, defeating it.
Metal debris shows down as Spider-Man lands on the grass on the other end of the park. Smythe finds out about his robot's defeat, and sets out to get revenge on Spider-Man for costing him almost a billion dollars from the robot attack. Spider-Man knows that this will not be the last killer robot he meets because, as the unit's designation implies, it was only the first in a long line of Spider-Slayers.
The game is going to return the Spider-Man series to an open-world format, and in doing so will include side missions[2].
There will be all-new very varied combat systems, using Spider-Man's
webs and wall-crawling abilities to aid his fights; plus, a new
web-swinging system will be included. Beenox founder and CEO, Dee Brown,
says that they've been in full development for this game since Spider-Man: Edge of Time was being worked on.
Feeling Like the Hero
Beenox's goal for this game, when starting its development, was to make the player feel like they are
Spider-Man. They first dealt with the camera. The game's camera is much
more closer to Spider-Man than previous games, giving players the feel
that, sometimes, they are actually looking over Spider-Man's shoulder as
he crawls and swings around town. Because of this, Spider-Man will seem
a lot bigger than previous games, also, instead of having to control a
tiny hero swinging around New York. Beenox wanted to make the player
feel like they are the ones swinging around the city, when, virtually, Spider-Man is.
Beenox has been sure to create many optional content to explore while swinging around Manhattan.
Web Rush
Web Rush is a feature never before seen in the Spider-Man
series of games. It gives players a huge amount of control of
Spider-Man, making them "feel like they are Spider-Man". They will be
able to perform incredible acrobatic stunts and even let Spider-Man
change direction in mid-air, depending on where the player wants him to
go.Web Rush can be activated at any time in the game with one push and/or hold of a button. When activated, time slows drastically, the player will be presented with many different situational and combat choices for Spider-Man, and the game's screen goes to first person mode. There will, then, be many different yellow silhouettes of Spidey that give the player options of what they can do. When the button is released, the game's mechanics will calculate the path and generate a sequence of parkour-style animations in getting the player where they chose to go. Even while in the same sequence, at anytime, Web Rush can be reactivated. The player can even swing in the middle of one of this feature's sequences and allow Spider-Man to make a 180 twist/flip animation. This is very helpful and entertaining during fight scenes. As one gets more familiar with the Web Rush feature, they will be able to complete a whole sequence with just the tap of the feature's button without having to hold it down. Holding down the button gives players a longer chance to make Spider-Man do what they want. Alternatively, there is an experienced Web Rush mode where, when activated, the player does not go into first person mode and time does not slow.
If, at any time, the fighting gets too intense or difficult, the player can make Spider-Man basically activate Web Rush in reverse and allow him to retreat to a safe zone.
Real-World Similarities
Coming all the way back from Web of Shadows,
the game will feature a free-roaming system that lets Spider-Man
willingly roam around New York where and when the player wants. Beenox
has said that an enormous amount of detail was put into creating the
city, mainly Manhattan, where most of the game's story takes place.
Standing atop a tall building with Spider-Man will let the player see
just how big the game's playground is. One of the developers of Beenox
teased that the free-roaming feature of the game is "amazing, pun
intended". Beenox also said that they're "bringing you the best-looking
Manhattan that has ever been seen in a Spider-Man game."Also, along with free-roam, 'random situations' are coming back; there will be some crimes in the city that the player can make Spider-Man jump into if they so please. These situations include helping the police, car chases where Spider-Man jumps on top of the car, and burglaries. With all this, the player won't feel so forced to complete the main storyline; however, they will still need to complete main missions to progress further in the game.
Aside from the main and mini-missions, Peter Parker will get his camera back and have photographic missions to complete. Parker also has an apartment in New York where he can go there and do random things. There will also feature an in-game map, like some previous games, telling the player where important things are.
With all this, however, the whole game will not take place outdoors in Manhattan. There will be some indoor levels and fight scenes; like the recently leaked level taking place at a secret Oscorp facility. Dr. Connors' work and research materials are located there, and, for an "undisclosed reason", Spider-Man needs to retrieve them. To compensate for the change in enviornment, web-swinging indoors will be slightly different than doing it outdoors, although Web Rush will still and always be available.
There will even be a fake Twitter feed that Peter can look at to find out what the people of Manhattan are saying about his performance as Spider-Man.Along with this, when Spider-Man swings around the city and low enough for the people of Manhattan to see him, they will yell out things like, "Spider-Man!" or "That is so cool." Beenox said that "The crowd reacts to your presence. Some will take pictures of you. Some will ask for your autograph. Others will yell at you for things that happen later in the story."
Day and night will be a part of the story; it will interchange with each other eventually, and, in some cases, night and day comes early. For example, if Peter has a fight with Gwen, the sky and lights will dim more to set the mood of Peter's emotions.
Character Models
All of the characters' models in the game were created with great
detail in each aspect of them; Spider-Man will be wearing the same suit
he does in the new movie. Although, rarely seen before, the suit will
get damaged over time in the game. Players will get to see Peter's flesh
being cut, bleeding, and scarred if they take the beating. The suit
will also not magically heal over time, like previous games.
The mechanical web shooters make a return in the new game, as opposed
to previous ones where Spider-Man's webbing appear out of his wrists.
Players will have a chance to upgrade Spidey's web shooters; at first,
Spider-Man will only be able to thwip web balls at enemies, but, later
on in the game, the shooters will be upgraded to have the ability to tie
up enemies in web, stick them to walls, etc.
A new feature in this game will have Spider-Man reloading his webs. On Spider-Man's belt, there are small web cartridges Spider-Man can use to reload his shooters. There will be a small animation showing the player when they should reload. At first, Beenox wanted the extra web cartridges to be lying around in the enviornment for Spider-Man to pick them up; however, as of recent decisions from Beenox, Spider-Man will now be carrying the cartridges on his belt and not have to find them, because "that would just not make sense, it would pull players out of the game".
Beenox has taken note of fan-favorite parts from previous Spider-Man games, like the Noir parts from Shattered Dimensions; a stealth feature will also be included in the game, if the player chooses to use it. When entering a room full of enemies Spider-Man will have the chance to jump in and ambush all of them, or take them out silently, one by one, much like the fighting style of the game Batman: Arkham Asylum and City. There will also be a variety of stealthy moves and animations. However, stealth moves aren't the only thing taken from the Arkham game series; many of Spider-Man's basic combat moves cue from Batman's fighting style. GameInformer has said that "While Spidey's combat feels slightly faster and he bounces around the screen with more acrobatic flair than the Dark Knight, the nuts and bolts of the combat function similarly."
For fighting with Spider-Man, the player has one major attack button and one counter-attack button that must be hit in time with a Spider Scene icon that appears over the hero's head. As players build up larger combos, they can activate special attack options that allow them to take out multiple enemies with the press of a button.
While Web Rush is a very helpful feature of the game, Spider-Man can alternatively use old-fashioned punches and kicks.
Web Combat
Along with Web Rush and Spider-Man's many punches and kick combos,
the hero is very known for also fighting with his trademark web.One feature that helps distinguish combat is Spider-Man's web zip maneuver. Any time the action becomes too difficult or overwhelming, a single button allows Spider-Man to quickly zip out of battle (or, if need be, into it) to find a hiding spot along the ceiling or walls. During large battle sequences, this feature can be very useful.
It is revealed that Spider-Man will be able to use his classic yo-yo trick, where he hangs upside down from his web.
Players have two sets of upgrade trees to explore. Experience earned
in battle can be used to unlock new combos, more powerful special
attacks, or stealth moves. One stealth move in particular allows
Spider-Man to zip from the ceiling to an enemy below and stick them in a
web cacoon.There are tech pieces called web-tech upgrades scattered throughout levels in the game that can be used to upgrade Spider-Man's equipment. Web-tech upgrades unlock moves like the "web blast", a large ball of impact webbing that pins enemies agains the wall.
Rhino makes an appearance as a playable character in the game, but only in a mini-game situation known as the "Rhino Challenge".
Stan Lee
The co-creator of Spider-Man himself and former president of Marvel Entertainment, Stan Lee makes his first appearance as a playable character. He will appear in a pre-order bonus from Amazon.
Pre-Order Bonuses...
Rhino Challenge
Famous Spidey villain Rhino is a playable character in The Amazing Spider-Man.
His role as a playable character is to wreak havoc around the streets
of New York with combos and score multipliers. The player will have a
multitude of options to break while playing as the monster, but for a
limited time only. This bonus is only included with the pre-order of the
game at GameStop.
Stan Lee
The players can finally harness the power of former Marvel president
Stan Lee as he makes an appearance in the game as a playable character.
His special objective in the game will be to swing around Manhattan
(borrowing Spider-Man's abilities) and collect pages he's lost of his
latest script in a race around New York. The comical co-creator of
Spidey will be, as usual, will be ranting on about "kids these days" and
other witty banter the fans have come to know and love. Beenox has
revealed that, at the end of the timed mission, the player will recieve a
special in-game "surprise" as a present for Spider-Man's 50th anniversary.When asked about his personal mission, Stan Lee says that he's "afraid when they see [him] do it, that may put Spider-Man in the shadows." This reveals that Lee is not sure if he entirely wants to be animated into a video game, as the fans may picture him as Spider-Man. He goes on, "I hope they (Beenox) don't have me looking too realistic and life-life. That would be tough for the Spider-Man fans. I swung through the city like an average guy would do, instead of giving it my usual derring-do.”
This bonus is only included with the pre-order of the game at Amazon and is exclusive only to Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
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